Stanze al Genio Museum

There is a place, hidden among the streets of the oldest Palermo, which hides a real treasure. This is the Stanze al Genio, a house museum that houses a very rich collection of Sicilian and Neapolitan majolica from the late 16th to the early 20th century. Fruit of the passion and work of a collector…

The Càssaro of Palermo

When you arrive in Palermo, you will surely hear about the “Càssaro”, an exotic sounding name that reminds us of a distant time when Palermo was the capital of a wealthy emirate. Cassaro is the ancient name of the current Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the main city artery since the foundation of Palermo by the Phoenicians…

The Genius of Palermo

Walking through the streets of the historic center, and exactly in Piazza Revolution in the district of the ancient Fieravecchiao in Piazza Garraffo alla Vucciria, it may happen that your attention is drawn to a strange statue depicting an elderly man in regal clothes. This is the Genius of Palermo, a figure that perhaps many…

The Chinese palace

It was 1798 when King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon with his wife Maria Carolina had to abandon Naples due to the riots and the French occupation and had to move to Palermo. Here, the king wanted to create an environment of elegance and refinement and for this reason he commissioned the architect Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia…

Zisa Palace, Unesco Site

There was an era when Palermo was very different from how we know it today. It was a city full of parks and artificial lakes, sumptuous palaces, villas, churches and lush gardens … a city famous all over the Mediterranean, which attracted foreign travelers who came here and then told the wonders of it in…

The Spanish Walls

If you find yourself taking a tour in the lower area of ​​Corso Vittorio Emanuele, near the sea, I recommend that you extend your walk on the Bad Walls. Don’t worry, unusual encounters with evil women will not wait for you… The evocative and curious name of this famous place in Palermo, in fact, has…

Group walking tour

Take part in a classic walking tour of Palermo. Approximate duration 3 hours, cost €25 per person. The walk will make help you to discover, in a few hours, some of the most important places in this beautiful city. It can be a basic itinerary, if you do not have much time available and you…

Ten things to see in Palermo

The itinerary will allow you to get to know the important landmarks of Palermitan history, culture and architecture. Starting from the Massimo Opera House, we will cross the historic Capo market and then we will head towards the Royal Palace where we will visit the splendid Palatine Chapel. Back on Corso Vittorio Emanuele you can…